Scheipur from FloodVideo on Vimeo.

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multi-channel video installation, performance

in collaboration with Nawroz Qadir

Scheipur (Persian/Kurdish: a hornist heralding the beginning of a war) explores the silence of the memorial culture as a part of the public representation of history.

It gives this culture a temporary feminine voice and a (self-parodying) feminine image in order to question the role of women and national identities in the memorial culture. Through different video images it connects Russian, German, Jewish and further memorial sites with ambivalent meanings.

The theme of the project is the conventions and ambivalences in the representation of the memorial culture in relation to the representation of gender. Can mourning of one person be at the same time a theatrical experience and the one that opens up borders, in which private and public, national, cultural, European and non-European belonging and identities become blurred?

Featured sites: deportation monument Putlitzbrücke, garrison cemetery Lilienthalstraße, Soviet monument in Treptow park, former concentration camp Columbia-Haus (Tempelhof field), Soviet monument in Schönholzer Heide.


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